XIV GEIS International Symposium

Last November 18th, 2016 the XIV GEIS International Symposium took place. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for attending once more this yearly event. This year we had the participation of nine international speakers of the highest level on treating this condition (Piero Picci, Willian Tap, Bob Maki, Shreyas Patel, Alex Gronchi, Silvia Stacchiotti, Jeremy Whelan and Matías Chacón) and we achieved a new historical record of attendance.

Like every year, patient's associations, The Spanish Association of Afflicted by Sarcoma, (AEAS, by its Spanish acronym), and the Mari Paz Jiménez Casado Foundation (FMPJC) had a place on our symposium.

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After the completion of the symposium, the 10th José María Buesa Scholarship was awarded.

During the dinner the yearly award to a group member for his or her cooperation and commitment was granted by GEIS, and this year the award was given to two different members for their special dedication and great involvement with the labor done by the group: Ana Arcas and Patricio Ledesma.

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This year, for the first time, a new special award was granted, the “Buesa Award”, as a show of gratitude to three high level personalities, Doctors Shreyaskimar R. Patel, Robert Maki and Willian D. Tapp, due to their constant and unconditional support to the group.

On November 19th the Annual GEIS Assembly took place. It was an opportunity for members to be updated on the situation of the different ongoing projects, to announce the start of new ones, and to participate on important decision making processes for the entire group. This year as a new feature new projects carried out by GEIS young researchers were introduced and others developed in some of the specific working areas. 

Congratulations, GEIS team!