Other courses/ Masters


Professional Development Programme on Gene, Cell and Molecular Therapy

Designed to know about the progresses being achieved on the field of traslational and personalized medicine addressing subjects as:

  • Molecular therapies and regulation and specialization of drug development.
  • Therapies aimed at molecular targeting both at the preclinical and clinical levels.
  • Gene Therapies and new tools being developed.
  • Application of Gene Therapy on the treatment of congenital and acquired diseases.
  • Gene Therapies as an alternative to allogenic transplants of haematopoietic stem cells.
  • Advances on the abilities to cultivate, expand, genetically differentiate and manipulate different sources and cell types through Cell Therapy.
  • Practical aspects of Cell Therapies as: Current Legislation on the production of cell therapy drugs and Technological Limitations on the ability of differentiation and spread of stem cells.

12 weeks. 33 hours of online papers and presentations
Start: Fall 2017

Live online sessions. The attendees will be able to interact on real time with the professors and the rest of the participants.

Aimed at
This program has been especially designed for:
Nurse personnel
Biologists and biotechnology experts
Chemists and biochemists


Check with your advisor regarding fees and discounts due to early registration
Phone number: 941 209 743
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